If you accept terms and conditions mentioned here by www.info@devbhumiparadise.com you approve to collect your details, save it it and use according to the requirement. You also permit to share the cookies that are set up in your hard drive and other linked details like: The IP address, the server, web browser and operating system. The website www.info@devbhumiparadise.com does not confirm or entertaine any booking enquiry by the children. User who is enquiring about the tour package or doing the booking must be 18+.
The team of Dev bhumi paradise will send you promotions or best deals and offers of tour package by email. You are entiled by unsubcribe service, you can do it any time. Some f your personal details like name and email address can be share with the third party which is associted with us in providing you better and improved services.
However, Dev bhumi paradise does not take any responsibilities concerning the misapplication of your personal details that you have shared with the site, from any third parties due to your browser settings.
In case of feud, all the legal process will be done only at Jaipur Jurisdiction, Rajasthan, India.
It is the sole reponsibility of the user to be ready with all the documents required during the trip and arrange their passport of visa on time. During journey also it is the reponsibility of the user to take care of their documents, Dev bhumi paradise or its any individual is not responsible for it.
Payments can be done with Visa, American Express, Discover, MasterCard or online banking. If payment is not received before due date your booking is automatically cancelled.
Pricing and quote given by Dev bhumi paradise is not final until the full payment is paid by the client. No hidden charges are applied by us later. If their is any increase in taxes (like fuel) or service charges user have to agree with that as Dev bhumi paradise is not responsible for that.
For more and detailed terms please free to contact us any time we will send perfect quote according to your schedule and requirement.